Categories: Krakow Guide

Cheap Holidays in Krakow? Check Average Prices.

So the question is do we agree what people say that you can have a cheap holidays in Krakow? – but what do they mean? If you wonder why, or “if”,  Krakow is a cheap city breakor holiday destination – yes it is, I am here to confirm it. Krakow is cheap for western tourist, and way cheaper than Paris or, say, Rome, slightly ahead of Prague in this budget-based competition. This is why you should stay prepared for coming back with an extra suitcase packed full on your return. To prove these are not empty words, check the facts on average prices in Krakow below. Echo also our full Krakow Holiday Guide.

Is Krakow cheap? Average prices

Purchasing Power Parity of a regular Pole (expressed in international dollars) makes them come 24th  on the list of 46 classified European countries. This is what you call being in the middle of something!


Polish currency – prices in Krakow

Poland is in the EU, while it still has not accepted Euros as its official currency. This is why the prices in Krakow will be expressed in “zlotys”. A zloty (zł) is divided into 100 groszes  (“gr”) and, sometimes, there is the PLN currency code used instead. Even though “złoty” means “golden”, it is not the particularly strongest currency around. Throughout the 3rd quarter of 2016, it stood at approximately 4,3100 per 1 EUR, 4,8000 per 1 GBP and 3,9000 per 1 USD. These are the figures you may use to divide a given price found of Krakow into. Visit this amazing presentation of average prices for specific goods in Krakow.


Alternatively, feel free to use the handy mobile or online currency converters, like this one. It is also true that many shopping venues of Krakow accepts Euros or credit card payments. In case you have not managed to exchange your money prior to coming to Krakow, there are also plenty of exchange offices all around it. The golden rule says you should avoid the rates proposed at the bureaux de change of airport terminals.

How much will you pay for a hotel in Krakow?

They are… cheap. With the exception of some most luxurious international brands, your stay in Krakow will often be paid for with a handful of peanuts. A typical double room at a 5-star premium hotel in Krakow costs between 700 zł and 1200 zł (the city centre), with no special offers applied. At the same time, the first-class hotels of this kind located outside of the strict centre may only cost between 250 zł – 500 zł!  Roughly the same range applies to 3-star accommodation facilities, with frequent offers lowering the bottom price to about PLN 150 zł – 250 zł.

Prices for budget hotels in Krakow? You will not pay more than PLN 200 to 120 per night. Krakow hostels have their beds in dorm-type rooms usually offered at PLN 17-40. Single rooms do not exceed the price of PLN 120, with so-called “premium hostels” being exceptions to the rule.

Prices for Krakow Taxis

While it is not really so that you need to use taxis in Krakow too often, sometimes it is simply too late or your luggage is too heavy to rely on public transport. When it comes to zone I (the central area of Krakow), there are two taxi tariffs applied in Krakow. Standard price per 1 kilometer by taxi with the day tariff (6 a.m.-10 p.m.) is PLN 2,30. The night tariff (also applied at weekends and bank holidays) means you will pay PLN 3,50. Additionally, Krakow taxis typically make you cover the fixed cost of PLN 7,00 for a start. This means that a standard taxi ride between Krakow airport and the Old Town should not exceed PLN 45.

Krakow municipal transport services let you pay PLN 3,80 for a single one-way ticket and PLN 5,00 for the ticket of 60-minute validity. Discounted tickets are only offered to foreigners if they hold ISIC or EURO <26 / 26 cards. At the same time, holding the tourist pass of Krakow (KrakowCard) lets everyone use the public transport without any limits. It is a nice bonus to the impressive availability of 40 Krakow museums within the same price.

Pubs and restaurants

The gourmet restaurants of Krakow will charge you at PLN 25,00-60,00 for the basic main courses they offer. More sophisticated meals typically start at PLN 65,00 per person and should not be more expensive than PLN 120. A glass of wine is served at the average price of PLN 10,00, at least in the case of not very luxurious brands. Budget travellers will enjoy the tastily low prices at Krakow milk bars.

I bet that this is what plenty of you are interested in the most! Let me start with street food then. Popular and filling zapiekankas stand at PLN 5,50 and 8,00, kingsize hot dogs fall within the same range. A small-sized kekab typically costs about PLN 8,50 around Krakow. Depending on type a given kebab shop offers, the highest amount of what you will pay is usually limited by PLN 15. Local pizza houses will let you try their medium pizzas for PLN 19,00 (basic versions) or about PLN 33,00 (with lots of toppings added).

Basic breakfasts are offered even at PLN 5 there, and it is  also true for soups. Main courses fall within the range of PLN 7,00 and 16,00. Having a sweet tooth means you will need to pay between PLN 15,00 and 30,00 for exquisite sets of hot chocolate desserts (about PLN 9,00 for a single cup). Cakes served at more renowned eateries come at PLN 8,00 and 15,00, while the latter is usually where the prices for layer cakes start. Coffees on the menus of Krakow’s coffee shops start at PLN 5,00 for casual espresso and PLN 9,00 for a cup of latte.

Croissants are priced similarly.  Ice-cream desserts at the stationary parlors of Krakow start at PLN 15 (3 scoops and toppings). Street ice-cream parlors offer their scoops per PLN 3-4 each. Vodka connoisseurs will love the fixed prices at Krakow vodka bars. PLN 4,00-6,00 is what they will pay for a shot of vodka and each separate snack put on their menus (about PLN 10,00 in the case of restaurants).

Krakow pubs offer their beer at the price of PLN 5,50-9,00 per 500 ml. Certain Old-Town-based ones may have their prices a bit higher, e.g. offering their draught beer at PLN 10,00-15,00, depending on the brand. It is still not uncommon to find the prices of the former category, as the area is attended by plenty of students.

Krakow prices and shopping

Sport shoes cost from 150 to 400 zł on average. When it comes to popular international brands, summer tops and shirts fall within the range of PLN 20 and 150. Heavy jackets seem to have their prices ranging between PLN 180 and 500.

Shopping for food will show you that Krakow is a really cheap city. The average prices for the most necessary products are typically shaped by the policy of chain shops, also present in the Old Town area. Popular Polish brands of beer cost about PLN 3,00 per a can.

You will also be able to find a bottle of decent vodka at the price of PLN 20 (500 ml) while shopping in Krakow. Large bottles of mineral water cost about PLN 2,50, while PLN 3,50 is the standard price for a bottle of Coca-Cola. The cheapest type of sliced bread costs less than PLN 3,00, breakfast Kaiser rolls are priced at PLN 0,35 per each. Butter (PLN 4,00), 100 g of ham (PLN 3,80), Gouda cheese (PLN 4,00)  or ketchup (PLN 4,50) make nice and cost-effective ways of providing yourself with breakfasts if you are staying at a hostel. And, additionally, you will notice it that both fruit and vegetables can be really cheap products on the shelves of Krakow.

The price of chocolate bars oscillates around PLN 3,50, popular brands (Mars or Snickers) cost less than PLN 2,50. Instant soups (in case you are a fan of those) never seem to cost more than PLN 1,00 or 2,00. An XXL packet of crisps bought in Krakow will make you pay about PLN 7,00, while smokers are charged at nearly PLN 15 for a packet of cigarettes. One pair of jeans bought at a shopping mall of Krakow (with special offers not taken into account) comes at the range of PLN 100 and 300. So will you choose cheap holidays in Krakow?

As you can see, a visit to breathtaking Krakow does not require having a lot of money to survive a couple of days there. Krakow is unquestionably cheap in terms of food, transport and going out. This is why you may often be surprised by how much fun you may have in Krakow with the budget you may have considered as not so promising. What more can I tell you about the cheap aspect of your future journey , so rich in experiences by contrast? Take advantage of the low prices of Krakow food and services while they last!

Izabela: I am romantic, I value emotions. I'm searching for new experiences and places that are breathtaking. They say discovery explores the mind. I agree with this and will gladly meet other perspectives on life. I love "non-tourist" places that are ordinary at first glance, but discover unusual everyday life. Of course, do not forget about food, always willing to eat exotic dishes.