Categories: Day Tours

Wieliczka Salt Mine – All Tours from Krakow Available

Just enjoy this beautiful space!

The proximity of Krakow to UNESCO-listed Wieliczka Salt Mine makes it a top attraction of Lesser Poland. Also, it is one of the most popular ideas for a side trip jumped into by Krakow visitors. At the same time, the presence of a guide is one of those obligatory things in the Salt Mine.

This is why the jaw-dropping monument of medieval mining efficiency (imagine the 287-kilometre-long corridors of Wieliczka as carved with pickaxes!), unexpectedly welcoming to humans with its spacious interiors, needs a sightseeing plan from you. A plan to squeeze the saline secrets out of Wieliczka as you do with lemons, with the company of an expert by your side. To help you choose the right idea for visiting Wieliczka, check the list of all available tours from Krakow carefully tailored to take you there. Follow over a million tourists descending to the Krakow Salt Mine to discover what effort people were ready to take to give your French fries the salty taste you love.


Not having much time to travel to Wieliczka on your own? Not ready to wander around the shaft, looking for the entrance or ticket office? Happy to explore Wieliczka Salt Mine with other enthusiasts of underground adventures? This guided tour is for the people like you then. After you inform the tour operator of where your accommodation is (preferably – 24 hours before it starts), you will be picked-up  straight from your hotel and taken to the kingdom of salt on a minivan, joining a group of other visitors.

Your expert guide will safely lead you through the maze of corridors, chambers, chapels and bridges of the salt mine, providing you with any information you should know about its secrets and history. This awe-inspiring journey into the depths of the earth is something you will not forget long after having left the lift taking you back to the ground level. The tourist route encompassed by the tour will require about 4,5 hours of spare time from you. And it will be the best way of spending it on the day you decide to follow the trail.


If you already form a group of individuals (between 1-3 or 4-7 people) ready to traverse the seemingly endless tunnels of Wieliczka Salt Mine, this option is something you will like. An English-speaking driver will pick you up from the hotel you stay at, with a comfortable means of private transport involved. When you meet your expert guide at the shaft, you may be sure the rest of your trip will  be way more customised than in the case of a regular guided tour.

Provided with instructive commentary all along your way, catered for your individual preferences and expectations, you will be free to enjoy the attention of your guide as solely focused on you. Your walk through the one-of-its-kind underground space will not only be filled with visual sensations, but also professional approach its organisational aspect. As having covered about 3,5 kilometres of Wieliczka’s sidewalks may leave you a bit tired, being dropped-off anywhere you want after the tour is over will turn out as something not to be underestimated.


If you are a lone wolf when it comes to sightseeing, this tour will perfectly respond to your needs! Visit the underground salt city of Wieliczka with an expert guide, with all the attention centered around your questions, expectations and time-related requirements. After you decide to take the tour of this kind, you will be picked up from the location of your preference by an English speaking driver.

The transport to Wieliczka will rely on taking you for a ride inside a comfortable and safe vehicle, which is exceptionally convenient during winters. With this highly-customised journey into the fascinating depth of Wieliczka completed, you will be dropped-off wherever you only wish to. Since your satisfaction is what matters the most, you may be sure that any specific modifications to the itinerary are something the tour operator is ready to discuss.


Do you want to eat the cake and have it too? Do not exclude any of the two UNESCO attractions near Krakow just to have more time to explore the royal city itself! If you think the distance to Auschwitz Concentration Camp is too great to combine it with sightseeing the marvel of Wieliczka, you may be surprised but… it is not!

This tour programme lets you take your trip to Wieliczka Salt Mine and Auschwitz Concentration Camp on the same day (2,5 hours devoted to Wieliczka and 3 – to Auschwitz). In this case, you will be let improve your mood a bit after having visited one of the saddest places on earth the extermination camp near Krakow is with the sightseeing of Wieliczka. Deciding to take each of the tour components separately and on two consecutive days has also been made possible.

This option is for you if your stay in Krakow is not overly limited. With a special discount involved, available guides speaking several European languages and the hotel pick-up / drop-off guaranteed, you will not only take two instructive trips at one time, but also save your time and money. Transported to each of the places by an air-conditioned minivan, you will also enjoy the lack of any organisational aspects of the tour burdening you. Join a group of other tourists and do not miss any of Krakow side attractions!

As you can see, picking the most suitable Wieliczka tour programme is not that difficult. You only need to choose the profile responding to your needs and specific circumstances! Even if you make it just 24 hours before setting off for the trip, you will not have to worry about any part of your plan possibly not going smoothly. Enjoy your visit to Wieliczka and do not forget to share your thoughts on this special place with a comment!

Izabela: I am romantic, I value emotions. I'm searching for new experiences and places that are breathtaking. They say discovery explores the mind. I agree with this and will gladly meet other perspectives on life. I love "non-tourist" places that are ordinary at first glance, but discover unusual everyday life. Of course, do not forget about food, always willing to eat exotic dishes.