How To Travel?
14 Proven Tips For Your Next Trip To Any City


There is probably no person in the whole world, who doesn’t like travelling. Anyway, beginner travellers may sometimes just don’t know how to travel!

There is nothing to be ashamed of!

Everyone used to start their travel adventure and had no experience how to travel the world first.

That’s why we’ve prepared the ultimate recipe about the best way to travel!

You will save a lot of your time and will keep only good memories from the journey by using it.


Do you want to know how to travel the world?

How is it possible?

Our useful guide below will show you how to get the most from visiting any city!

So throw away all old-fashioned textbooks and find the best way to get deeper into all new places!

Just follow these simple instructions:

1. Explore the city’s museums and galleries

Every city is not only about the streets, parks and churches. You will find out a lot about its history, culture and things that are important for residents or even the whole country just by entering the museums.


Try to understand the national art

Art galleries are always worth to visit as well. Try to read the meaning of paintings and you will understand the feelings, the way of perceiving the world and the mentality of inhabitants.

You don’t have to be a high art expert!


Find some beauty in art

Just follow your first impression and intuition and try to combine what you see with what you know about a given country.

2. Try less popular downtime locations

It’s natural that all the city centres are the most popular places to see. They are full of the phenomenal monuments, incredible buildings and famous streets.

But it doesn’t mean that there is nothing else to see!


Don’t be afraid of less popular districts!

Try to find out which other districts can offer the beautiful views, interesting kind of architecture or unique places that are beloved by locals. Thanks to it you will know the authentic site and the “real life” of the city which are not shown in the guides.

3. Find free fun: festivals, workshops and sport activities

Visiting city should not just be passive watching. Take part in local events such as workshops or festivals as well! You will meet local people, find out what they like and how they are spending their free time. It will tell you a lot about the visiting country.



Become a part of a festival!


Sightseeing in a sporty style is also a good idea!

Just rent a bike or put the running shoes on your feet. You are going to move much faster, see much more amazing views and… burn some calories after visiting the best restaurants of the city!

Trust us – it’s a great option for alternative sightseeing. Endorphins guaranteed as well!


Move a little!

4. Find the best cafes & restaurants and try local food!

Eating is one of the main pleasures of travelling. Forget about packing cans and sandwiches from home and try the best food of the visiting city. Check the ranks of the most popular restaurants and cafes or ask local people for recommendation.

And don’t even try to order pizza, unless you are in Italy!


Try the local tastes!

Trust us, local food is the best thing you can order! Every national cuisine can offer a lot of revealing and inspiring flavours and scents. Find the restaurants and bars where the residents are dining – they know best where the best quality and taste is!

5. Enjoy a nightlife

Even if you are not a kind of party animal, you definitely should see the visiting city at night, at least once!

Why so?

After the sunset, every place looks totally different and shows its second face. Clubs and pubs are opening, people are crawling around and having a lot of fun. We are sure, that you will find some live music concert or another kind of evening event. Drink one glass of good wine and look around to find some nice city views.


Nightlife will amaze you!

You will have an amazing time, but remember: be sure to choose places with a lot of friendly people and avoid deserted pubs with suspicious people. Take a friend and better don’t go alone. Just to feel safer.

6. Join the guided trip

The one thing is sure – you will never get as huge knowledge about given place, as the guide has. That’s why a guided trip is not a bad idea. You will save a lot of your time and hear a lot of detailed information, interesting stories and anecdotes about every place. Choose group trips to places that interest you most. You will never regret it.


Guided trip will learn you a lot!

Be careful and smart!

Every travel agency can offer a little bit different trip to the same states. Don’t be afraid to ask about the tour conditions and an accurate plan. Try to find the best offer and the best way to travel. You need to know exactly what you pay for!

7. Leave the map and lose yourself in the city

Of course, a map is a very useful thing during travel but sometimes it’s good to leave it in a hotel room. Try to follow your intuition and find the way on your own. You will explore some new streets and unobvious ways of the city. We’re sure that you will pay more attention to architecture and passed people as well.


Lose yourself!

Try to be free!

Just lose yourself and don’t always ask about the current address. Just enjoy the moment and being the part of the visiting place.

8. Ask students and locals for recommendations and tips

No one knows more about a city than its inhabitants. They will tell you how to travel through their city! Just try to talk with some of them and get tips about forgotten monuments, tasty restaurants, greats occasions and secret places that are not mentioned in your guide.


Find the students and ask them for help!

Follow their leads on how to travel, try to spend the day their way and feel like a local. This is the best way to get more from the visiting place!

9. Find the local market

Every local market has its own ambience and magic. You can meet inhabitants there and buy the freshest vegetable and fruits that are the pride of the visiting area. Just stop for a while and observe the buzzing life of that place. The best prices and a lot of interesting souvenirs guaranteed!


Just look at those goodies!

10. Wake up early and avoid crowds

Sometimes it’s good to skip the line and just be the first. There is no fun to watch the monument from above the heads of the crowd. That’s why sometimes you have to set the alarm clock little bit earlier. In this way, you can avoid all the group tours and school children. You can be sure that the most popular places will show you their best sites and look exactly the same as on a postcard. Furthermore, you will get more time to enjoy the place and keep calm during your stay.


Everything just for you!

Trust us, you will sleep after returning home!

11. Don’t know how to travel? Use public transport!

Taxis are a good option only in moments of a rush. In other cases, it’s smart to use public transport. It’s the best way to travel there and back again. You will save a lot of money and feel the city’s unique atmosphere. Trams and buses are also a good way to enjoy the views from behind the window! Moreover, you will have an opportunity to observe the everyday life of the citizens. Remember! Use public transport and just soak into the city.


Public transport can be fun!

Are you travelling from or to the airport?

In this case private transfer is a quite good solution. As we know, airports are mostly located on the outskirts of cities. Going there by bus may be a little bit complicated. That’s why booking a driver this time may save a lot of your valuable time and stress.

12. Take a lot of pictures and videos

Pictures and movies are the best souvenirs you can bring back home. They keep all memories and just stop special moments making them eternal. You can be sure that after few years you will remember your journey only through the prism of taken photos.


Don’t forget your camera!

Do you want to report your trip to your family and friends?

Sharing photos is the best option to find yourself back there (even for a while)!

13. Buy souvenirs made only by local artists

Every tourist is looking for some nice souvenirs for the family and friends. Be patient and look for them carefully instead of buying the next copy-pasted cup, shirt or magnet. They are probably just made in China and have nothing in common with the visited city.


Beautiful souvenirs are waiting!

Try to find some local craftsmen and artists!

It will be a pleasure for them to sell you some of their work. You can be sure that a souvenir bought from them will evoke many emotions and memories as well. On the other hand, you will support local artists and improve their everyday life.

14. Plan your stay before but be spontaneous as well!

A well-prepared plan of the trip should be your priority. You will exactly know how to travel and won’t waste any hour wondering what else to visit or where to go. Try to make a list of all the most important monuments, museums, galleries and parks of the city and just check it one by one.


Have a plan and be spontaneous as well!

Do not stick to the plan too tightly!

Leave some time for totally spontaneous decisions. Maybe there is something interesting you didn’t know about before? Or maybe you will meet fascinating people who will take you on an amazing adventure? Keep your mind and heart open and try to use all the opportunities.

This is our favourite tip how to travel the world!

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