3 Days in Krakow
Ready-to-Use Guide for your first weekend in Krakow!


Krakow is definitely one of the most amazing European cities!

That’s why to visit Krakow is a great idea.

You don't have much time?
Don't worry!
Krakow is a perfect city to spend the weekend!


Although there are many places to explore, you can see the most important sights and attractions in just 3 days. For your convenience, I've prepared a 3-day plan for you, so you can get the most out of your time spent in Krakow.


Let's begin!

Plan of your Weekend in Krakow

Although the weekend starts on Friday, I really recommend coming to Krakow already on Thursday. Not only will you experience more of this amazing city, but you'll have a chance to attend a Folk Show! That's something that will definitely get you in a good mood and will make you feel the great Polish vibe :)

Thursday evening (bonus day):



Sunday morning:

And now let me tell you about each and every of those attractions:

Main Market Square

The city centre of Krakow is something that you definitely can not skip! It’s created by the network of lovely streets, rich architecture, important monuments of Polish history and crowded cafes that will totally steal your heart!

Krakow Market is the largest square in the city, and one of the largest in Europe at the same time (its edges are 200 meters long!).

On the Main Market Square you can find numerous important monuments. I dare to say without any doubts, it is the very heart of Krakow. And if you only have three days in Krakow for sightseeing you cannot miss places such as:

The Krakow Cloth Hall – a building for trade in which stalls most often sold cloth (“cloth”=“sukno” – hence the name: Sukiennice). It is worth emphasizing that for centuries Krakow's Cloth Hall has undergone many changes and the building that we can now admire is from the 19th century. Inside the building, you can admire the walls decorated with the coats of arms of Polish cities, guild emblems and seals.
Presently, in the lower part of the Cloth Hall, there are two rows of stalls – primarily offering souvenirs, Polish handicrafts and jewelry (including artworks made of amber).

Krakow Sukiennice

Upstairs, the first floor houses the Gallery of Polish Painting and Sculpture of the 19th Century, which is a branch of the National Museum.

St. Mary's Church – is a Gothic church, one of the largest and most important churches in Krakow. The building has two towers – an 82-meter high tower and a slightly shorter 69-meter tower.
Something you must do in Krakow is to hear the bugle call which is played from the higher tower of St. Mary's Church. The characteristic melody of the bugle call is played four times at every full hour, towards the four corners of the earth. Inside the church, be sure to take notice of the beautiful 15th-century main altarpiece made by Veit Stoss. Veit Stoss altarpiece in Kraków

The Church of St. Adalbert (Wojciech) – is a small baroque church located near the Cloth Hall. Tradition has it that it was here that St. Wojciech delivered his sermons and a wooden church was built to commemorate this. It is worth visiting, at least for a few moments, to see its interior and the exhibition of the history of the Main Square, which is located in the underground. Krakow Main Square

Main Square Underground – is a branch of the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow located under the eastern part of the Main Market Square. The facility presents both permanent and temporary exhibitions. The permanent exhibition is a must-see if you are going to spend three days in Krakow – it offers a pleasurable and exciting multimedia show. Visiting the Underground of the Market Square is like setting off on a journey through time back to the Middle Ages where you learn about the history of Krakow. Underground of the Main Market Square

It is also worth noticing that the Royal Road, which was the main communication route of the medieval city, leads from the Florian Gate to the Wawel Royal Castle and runs through the Main Market Square. Following the Royal Road is a perfect idea for an afternoon walk - it is worth including in a Krakow 3 day itinerary.

The Main Market Square is also a place of numerous festivals, concerts, fairs and presentations.

Nowadays Krakow Main Square is the most buzzing place in the city with a unique artistic and folk atmosphere. The market itself is worth a few hours of exploring. While you're in there, take a look at the beautiful Cloth Hall, Saint Mary's Basilica and the Town Hall Tower!

Enjoy the stunning view!

Polish Folk Show and traditional dinner

Get ready to feel some amazing Polish culture!

Meet Polish cuisine, music, dances and see for yourself what does it mean to experience Poland entirely. 

Enjoy a wonderful evening in a beautiful scenery, admire traditional live Polish music, dances, and taste delicious food, see the cottage style restaurant with a view of Kryspinów lake. 

After such a party you'll feel like a true Pole!


Such a great atmosphere!

Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum  

Krakow offers a lot not only in the city centre area but also around it. In this way, it’s good to seize the opportunity and see Auschwitz Concentration Camp when visiting Krakow.

Why is it worth to leave the city for that trip?

Auschwitz-Birkenau is probably one of the saddest proof of human cruelty in the world. We recommend you to visit Auschwitz as you may have the most remarkable history lesson in your life.

The museum hosts both a permanent main exhibition and several smaller exhibitions prepared by other countries to commemorate their citizens. In Auschwitz, you can see over 150 buildings, about 300 ruins, authentic fences and roads, and a huge collection of items that remained after the evacuation of the camp – including prisoners’ clothes, everyday items, suitcases and glasses.

Krakow Pub Crawl

Now something really fun! 

Don't Google best bars and pubs in Krakow, don't stand in queues in front of trendy clubs. Visit the best bars, where you'll be offered a free first shot, to feel Polish hospitality! 

Taste the best alcohol, see the most interesting places and have the most fun!



Wieliczka Salt Mine

Wieliczka Salt Mine was opened in the 13th century as one of the world oldest salt mines located near Krakow. It reaches almost 327 meters below the ground and has over 287 kilometres. That's a lot of walking!

But it's so worth it! You'll get to know some history, see the beautiful interiors of the mine and breathe in clean, therapeutic air!

The Wieliczka Salt Mine is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Poland – even if you only have 3 days in Krakow, it's worth visiting. Especially when you consider that it only takes about 30 minutes ride by a direct train or bus to get there.

A dozen or so underground chambers are open to visitors, where among others, you can see chapels, an underground lake and numerous salt sculptures carved by miners who worked in Wieliczka. The biggest jewel of the mine is the chapel of St. Kinga which is decorated with beautiful crystal chandeliers (made of salt, of course), and  with unique reliefs carved on its walls.

Wieliczka Salt Mine

What's more, the Wieliczka Salt Mine offers several sightseeing options. Many tourists choose the most classic option, that is, the Tourist Route. It leads through all the most important chambers of the mine, and during the journey the guide tells the story of the place and explains how salt was once extracted. Of course, tours are conducted in various languages – not only English, but also German or French and so on.

Another interesting option – especially for those who need more excitement, is the Mining Route. Following this trail takes the form of an active hike. First, participants receive mining gear – a protective suit, helmet and a lamp. Secondly, they follow a completely different paths than in the Tourist Route, so for example they do not visit Saint Kinga's Chapel, but instead they are able to perform real mining tasks assigned to them by an experienced guide. By choosing the Mining Route, you will be able to examine the level of methane concentration, try your hand at salt transport or rope braiding and see for yourself how salt mining was once performed.

A cross one of the UNESCO World Heritage place off your list :)

The most popular choices

Local Food Crawl

Now it’s time for a little break! You can not spend it in another way than trying traditional Polish food! Choose one of the restaurants with national cuisine and order pierogi ruskie (Polish dumplings), golonka (pork knee) or żurek (kind of traditional soup).

The beauty of this tour is its uniqueness - every guide performs it their own way, choosing places the group will visit. You will experience one of its kind tour. And you will love it!

Polish Cuisine might become your favorite!

Schindler's Factory Museum

You can not miss the famous Schindler’s Factory Museum while being in Krakow.

The Oscar Schindler from Spielberg’s movie?

Just the same! The museum is located in the administrative building of the former enamelware factory better known as Deutsche Emailwarenfabrik (DEF) headed by Oskar Schindler.

Nowadays, the forty-five museum halls show Krakow from the time of the Second World War. Thanks to the exhibition you will find out about Krakow as a centre of the General Government, everyday life of the inhabitants of the occupied city, the fate of Krakow Jews and the history of Oskar Schindler.

It is worth noting that the Oskar Schindler’s Enamel Factory Museum is one of the facilities located on the route of the Krakow Technology Trail. This is a thematic trail regarding industrial heritage of Krakow. It consists of various types of facilities, including:

  • the main train station,
  • historic tram depot at ulica Św. Wawrzyńca (it houses the Museum of Municipal Engineering),
  • Piłsudski Bridge and the Vistula Boulevards – which are currently a popular place of relaxation for the residents of Kraków and tourists.


Very informative trip!

Wawel Royal Castle

Sometimes it’s worth to keep the best for the end!

Wawel Royal Castle is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city. Entirely, it’s something you have to see during your 3 days in Krakow!

The Castle is charmingly situated in the bend of the Vistula River. It is the most valuable monument of national history and culture in Poland. It is also a treasury of knowledge about Polish history and a symbol of national consciousness at the same time.

There’s no doubt, that the Wawel Castle is a great monument – you can spend even a whole day visiting it. If you are still wondering how long to spend in Krakow, then we suggest – give yourself enough time to enjoy all the treasures and gems of this city!

The castle is impressive both from the outside and inside. It is worth emphasizing that inside there are as many as 71 exhibition halls – most of them are decorated in the Baroque or Classicist style, but they are also found in the interwar period style.

Wawel Castle

Among others, the chambers display:

  • famous tapestries of Zygmunt August, 
  • magnificent Italian Renaissance paintings from the Lanckoronski collection,
  • numerous pieces of furniture,
  • archaeological gems found on the Wawel Hill
  • clocks from the 16th century.

Also, the Wawel collection of eastern art includes the largest collection of tents in Europe. Due to the fact that  every exhibition can be visited separately, and the collections are displayed in several permanent exhibitions, everyone can choose something that interests them the most.

Did you know that the Wawel hill was inhabited for about 100,000 years, and became a centre of secular and church power? Later on, Wawel has been inscribed on the Unesco world heritage list in 1978 as it’s the biggest gem of Lesser Poland!

Helpful Links:
- Wawel Hill Guided Tour - buy here
- Wawel Cathedral - buy ticket here


Your Weekend in Krakow!

I hope you liked the plan and it will inspire you to arrange your own trip.
You will get the most out of this amazing city.
And you won't regret it for sure!

Have you ever planned such a trip? Or maybe you want to? Let me know in the comments :)

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